Refresh. Refuel. Refocus
Too often in life, we give everyone and everything our ALL. We ensure that our families are provided for. Our children want and needs are met. Our spouse is happy at home. The dog has new treats. We work overtime to complete assignments. We write papers to pursue higher education. We volunteer in the community. We dedicate time and resources to our belief system. We assist our friends in need. We govern our finances. Contribute to society (good deeds). And soooo much more!
Month after month, we continue to give of ourselves. We spend countless hours pouring into others and ensuring that everyone is taken care of. We do it with a smile, we do it because we want to and sometimes we do it because we have to. Either way, it gets done. We are dedicated to seeing things through. We are overly committed to giving and sometimes it's too much! Yes, I said it "... It's Too Much"

Refresh. Refuel. Refocus
Creating a balanced life is key to your success. You must learn the art of putting yourself first. Disclaimer: Putting yourself first is not selfish, it's necessary. In order to be the Best Possible You, YOU must learn how to break away in order for you to be refreshed and refueled. Take time away from the normal hustle and bustle of life. Do something you love or find a place of solitude and serenity. Reflect on where you are and where you would like to be. Be one with nature. Realign yourself with what's important to you.
"Putting yourself first is not selfish, it's necessary."
Life can be demanding. It happens, I get it... Understanding the value of who you are and why it's so important for you to always refresh, refuel and refocus, is vital to everyone connected to you. Operating on low fuel is dangerous. You must align your mind, body, and soul. Step back and take joy in what makes you the most healthy and happy. By doing so, you will then become the greatest gift to your family and friends.
It's time for you to Refresh, Refuel and Refocus!